Friday 31 May 2019

Wellbeing in LH1

Wellbeing in LH1

This term our inquiry focus is all about wellbeing! Part of our inquiry includes meditation when changing between learning areas, and a little bit of fitness every morning! This morning started with rain, but we don't let that stop us! We joined with LH3 and completed our 7 minute challenge in our LH1 learning space. We have found that doing fitness every morning helps wake up our brains and gets us ready for the learning over the day. 

Monday 27 May 2019

CAMP 2019

LH1 Camp 2019

In week 4 of term 1 LH1 was lucky enough to go away on camp to the beautiful Mahia! 
At this camp we pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones, and made unexpected connections to each other in the classroom. We did heaps of awesome activities like surfing, bridge jumping, kayaking, games/challenges, climbing mountains... the list goes on! However, the thing we did most on camp was swim in the beautiful ocean right at out front door. 
It was an amazing experience for everyone involved and won't be forgotten any time soon!

Tuesday 21 May 2019

PE Term 2

Physical Education Term 2

This term in LH1 we are focusing on invasion sports, and the skills we need to develop to be effective invaders. 

Here is a video showing off some of the skills we have been developing during our time playing Crossover/IT tag.